At Sadler’s 2 month well check up his pediatrician confirmed my suspicions that he was tongue tied. It never affected his feedings but he definitely is tongue tied which could later interfere with speech or eating as he gets older. We decided to take him to an ENT to get it clipped. We also had concern over a patch of hair on his bottom that can be a sign of spina bifida. Our pedi suggested we take him to get an ultrasound to ease our minds about it.
Later that week he had his appointment with the ENT, I hated to think about him having his tongue clipped but I geared myself up and was ready to get it over with. Turns out Sadler was too strong and had too much head control for the doctor to feel comfortable clipping it in the office without anesthesia. We decided to wait and do the procedure under anesthesia when he is older.
A few days later I took Sadler to the hospital for his spinal ultrasound. After checking in and taking a seat in the waiting room a lady came to tell me they don’t do that type of ultrasound there! Ugh; back home we went disappointed!
The u/s was rescheduled at the children’s hospital the following week.
We got there and checked in, got seated in the waiting room and waited an hour and a half until we finally got called back, I guess there was some sort of mix-up with the lady to checked us in. At that point Sadler was beyond tired and needed his crib. He was mad! Which didn’t mix well when the tech needed him to sit very still so she could count vertebrae. I finally got him to fall asleep on me and she did the u/s while I was holding him. It was quite the ordeal. Before we left she told me she thought his spine looked normal but she thought she saw some fluid on one of his kidneys that might require a follow up.
A couple days later I got a call from the pediatrician that his spine was fine! Praise God, but he does have Hydronephrosis, fluid on the kidney. She scheduled a vcug procedure for the following week at the children’s hospital that would tell us if his bladder is refluxing his urine back into the kidney.
This time I took Robb with me, friends of ours had to bring their daughter to the same procedure when she was just a couple weeks old and we heard it was pretty awful. Of course all went smooth as butter this time, we had no wait and Sadler did AWESOME during the yucky procedure! What an answer to prayer!
The tech told us right away that she didn’t see any reflux and our pedi confirmed that a couple days ago.
Now we will take him to a urologist in late August for further testing to see if they can determine the cause of his hydronephrosis.