Sadler's been brushing up again on his iPhone photography skills :)
no words ;)
Sadler had a sleepover with Aunt Lisa last weekend as part of his 4th birthday present, so I took the big and the little to the farmers market on Saturday while daddy mowed.
ready to join mommy and the rest of the family for a little 30 day shred :)
After 2 rain cancelations, Grayden finally had his first tball game this week! It was so fun to watch him!
Let's ignore the Christmas pjs and dirty feet (haha) and focus on his sweet little hand on his Bible, sweet love!
crying because we took away the baby shampoo, rough life she has!
fresh breakfast smoothie
kiss in the drop off line on this guys last full day of Kindergarten!
Happy Sadler and sleepy Jovie at the Farmers Market.
She was so determined to get Sadler's shorts on, I was impressed at how well she did!
Such a good mommy to her babies at Grandma's house!
trying on new clothes is all fun and games until it came time to take them off, wow, the drama!
I finally found linen pants (a summer staple!) that are long enough on me! Yay for TJMaxx!
How can I say no to this face?!
prolonging the life of the ducky tub by using it outside as a mini pool that she can get in and out of herself!
he broke the pole to our tent but then asked me if thus is what the whip looked like that they whipped Jesus with and then I quickly forget about the tent!
planning for another Wildtree freezer workshop on a rainy afternoon.
all ready to make 10 'purely paleo' meals to stock the freezer!

I got some extra help!
our goal for the summer is to learn to tie shoes, I won't say its worse than potty training but not something I'm enjoying! He's so willing to learn but I'm a terrible teacher. We are turning to youtube for help :)
Wild Kratts Live for their birthday present! It was adorable to see them so fascinated by it!
she's so smitten with him, and so am I!
fun at the splash pad with friends
she's my little sidekick!
Peyton wanted uncle robb to fix her hair, love how concentrated he is :)
finished look!
Strawberry Rhubarb pie, we don't hate it :)
cute little loves ready for church over Memorial Day weekend!
A morning I'll never forget, thrifting and antiquing with Anne!
the trey is a new addition to hold all my products in the salon. love it
family paddle boat ride

this little girl is going to keep us so busy this summer!

such a great day at the cottage
the true sign of a great day! She fell fast asleep on the ride home!
Grayden stayed overnight at the cottage with my parents and my mom took this picture of him and my dad fishing in the morning! So cute!
coffee with the ladies (and Sadler) at my Aunt Donna's house!
it was Sadler's lucky day yesterday, we had to go downtown to get a birthday present and there just so happened to be a free community event with inflatables going on, and we had just enough time to stop and play before picking Grayden up from his last day of school!
Sweet Jensen is such a trooper for letting Sadler hold him last night during dinner!
The first day of Summer break and we headed to some garage sales and grabbed some donuts!
because its' National Donut Day!
Donut time!