So happy to have her paci back after a week long hiatus!
Checking out his new school playground after mommy turned in some enrollment forms!
He mastered shoe tying, so naturally Sadler wanted to learn too!
little miss muffet, sitting on her tuffet.
Squished in one last play date before school started. Love watching them develop friendships!
Picnic lunch on a beautiful day
She really wanted to see the TV :)
When my hottie husband asks me out on an impromptu date, it's impossible to say no!
We had such a fun date night to Saugatuck, riding through the dunes and dinner at Marro's
mini golfing in the drizzle at the K&R summer work party at Craig's Cruisers.
We used to have these Sunday park nights more often, but life sure gets busier as they get older, so this was the first, and last this summer. But we made it a good one!
oh the difference a year makes, I'll be in the corner crying if anyone needs me :(
Our big boy before school orientation night
trying to keep up with her bothers, always!
fro-yo before lunch, because Summer isn't over yet!
There's a little bit of an unfair advantage going on here, but Gray was a trooper!
The boys took a ride on the amphibious vehicle in Saugatuck with Grandpa and Grandma L!
fun morning at the critter barn with cousins!
pizza party picnic style, just because! Also, the boys give it there all when blowing on the hot pizza!
They make a mid-morning stroll entertaining!
taking a selfie of her first pony tail :)
I made a switch with one of my anti-rejection meds in hopes of reducing some unpleasant side effects, I'd love any prayers for a smooth transition and improvement with the side effects.
a little labor day weekend project. (still putting the finishing touches on it, I'll show the end result when it's done!)
soaking up the last of the lake days
Jovie's faces shows you her thoughts on holding mom's hand in the water :)
I thought by now the newness of a sister would have worn off, but nope! He's still totally smitten with her!
nobody puts baby on a hay bale ;)
phew! Hopefully that will negate the chili cheese hot dog I had for dinner! lol
after trying out nearly half of the workout videos at our local library, this one has been a fave! It's a fun, upbeat cardio (interval training) workout that I actually look forward to doing, not to mention a great calorie burner for under 45 minutes! {Turbo Jam Cardio Party 2}
lil momma taking her baby for a walk! ha!
These cuties had a back to school (color coded) scavenger hunt and picnic at Grayden's school playground one night. Grandpa and Grandma L made it such a fun night!
He's trying to fit her in his backpack and take her to school. She was sleeping yet when he left the first day, so saying goodbye the second day was hard!
teeter-tot buds
we LOVED this new pinterest recipe we tried last week Shrimp, Kale and Wild Rice Melody
night 1 of 1st grader homework and I already wanted to pull my hair out, we butt heads so bad when it comes to homework. Yikes!
8am wedding updo, good thing I love those so much ;)
proud soccer aunt
beauty girl before church
the kids had a great time playing the mini golf greens, at the Grandparents Day carnival at Robb's grandma's living facility even though only one played it correctly :)
thankful the rain stopped just in time for our weekly trip to the farmers market, and for an early birthday present that came just at the right time, my 'happy boots' from my sweet friend Corinn <3 p="">
when you go in for labs alone and both the receptionist and the lab tech ask "where are the kids?" you know they leave a lasting impression! lol
Lunch for 2! Robb had some vacation days left to use up so he was home all day Tuesday just hanging out and running errands with me. Love spending time with him, even when it's nothing exciting!
it was like Christmas for me to open up my free trial of Hello Fresh meals!
Robb had the day off Wednesday too, so it was fun that he was able to walk Sadler into school on his second day (first day without mom)
this sweet sister had so much fun in the nursery while mommy went to her first Moms in Prayer meeting at church on Wednesday. Such a privilege to meet with other moms and life up our kiddos and schools in prayer to the God who loves them even more than we do!
the good apples are at the top!
Picked 24 lbs of apples for some homemade applesauce after picking Sadler up from school that afternoon.
spotted two deer on a morning walk down "the lane"
first piggie tails at 21 months, my heart can't handle the cuteness!
All tucked out after playing so hard during mommy's first M-LIFE meeting this morning. Falling asleep before lunch usually doesn't make for a long nap, but it was so worth it! I had such a great time connecting with other moms and being reminded of God's love for me despite my mothering downfalls. Being a mom is hard work, but so rewarding and such an amazing example of God's love us, his children.
Loved seeing this picture on the 1st grade newsletter email this afternoon. I'm still getting used to having him gone all day, everyday. I'm so looking forward to this weekend. It's just too bad there's more homework!
Have a great weekend, friends!