in no particular order....
*be more active (I started the 30 day Shred back up again (last Spring I made it to day 10 or so before Grayden was born and then had to quit!) so I'm doing that everyday until we leave for vacation in March and after that go down to at least 3 x week.) I am really hoping to get toned up and have more energy and if I can drop down a couple of the 3 pant sizes I've gained in the last year in the meantime, that will just be an added bonus!)

*read more ( which should be easy since I never read unless I am in a dr. office waiting room or on vacation)
*be better at doing devotions with Robb
*be a better wife and mom
*spend more time reading/interacting with Grayden (he is so good at playing on his own that I sometimes take advantage of that, so I want to spend more time everyday playing with him)

*keep up on the housework better (I spent the last week of December going through every closet, cupboard and drawer de-cluttering and organizing so this year I have a fresh start (feels SO good) so I hope I can keep it up!)
*drink more water
*continue making the majority of Grayden's baby food for as long as he needs it.

*pray for Robb and Grayden daily
*eat healthier (I'm going to need some help on this one....more to come on that)
*get caught up on my scrapbooks! (or at least attempt too!)
*make a meal plan every week and stick to it
*and I have a couple more goals for 2010 than shall remain unmentioned {wink}
So there you have you have any similar goals for 2010?