Opps, I did it again…I waited way to long to post these and now there's like 100 pictures to upload!! Grab a snack and bare with me!
it's time to girly-up Jovie's room! bye-bye green! bring on the PINK!
Robb and I went to an Ugly Christmas Pajama party at the Flokstra's a few weekends ago, it was a blast, we look great, right?!
the girls!
the guys!

what I won't do to get a sale on kids clothes at Once Upon A Child.
SO worth it though, I found this babyGap puffer coat for Jovie next year for $1 along with tons of other things!

getting comfy in the cart!
looking handsome before church in another $1 find!
love having a hubby who can pick the big one up from school while I stay home with 2 sleeping littles.
One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more active as a family. We made a goal to do something active as a family at least once a week. Week 1: hiking the trails at Cottonwood Park
sneak peak of Jovie's room, those are my baptism booties that Jovie also wore, and I'll be hanging something special from the hanger too.
love when new diaper prints come out!
Jovie had routine blood work done after she turned one, the lab missed and order so we had to take her back a second time a week later, and a few days after that her dr. called me and said they wanted another blood draw because there was something abnormal with her white blood cells! I was a wreck!
She totally understood what was happening this time so she was crying before they started, they missed her tiny vein and had to poke her finger and squeeze out drops of blood to fill the tube! It was horrible! Makes me pray even harder for the children, and their parents who have health problems and have to go through this and more.
A made an appontiment to chop my hair so I was enjoying the long locks while they lasted. Not sure why I take selfless so seriously!
The icy trees look so pretty from inside!
no wonder I have grey hair!
Praising God that the results of Jovie's blood draw were nothing to be "critically concerned about". We are taking her for a follow up in another couple weeks, we appreciate your prayers that they have returned to normal!
snow days mean pjs, popcorn, hot chocolate and blanket forts!
Jovie got such a fun birthday surprise in the mail from my friend Corinn!
She loves her new boots!!
another snow day means snow in the bath tub!
my big helper passing out Bibles at Sunday night church service!
She's recently learned how to sign "please" and she now does it constantly with both hands, for good measure!
Out for dinner for Robb and Lisa's birthdays
Lubbers Get Active Week 2: riding bikes in the indoor bike course
After taking the Christmas decor down I kinda liked the fresh clean look of the mantel for a change.
staying cozy on a frigid day!
they grow up way too fast!
What can't you fit in a 31 Large Utility tote?
her puffer vest just kills me!
Making sprays and scrubs at Lisa's essential oils party!
sharing a cinnamon roll before school at the newly remodeled snazzy looking cafe!
King and Queen of the hill playing outside at school
I started a 30 day green smoothie challenge, and lasted 4 days! :)
slid right off our slippery driveway, hit the tree and got stuck in the snow bank on the way to pick up Grayden from school! That was not so fun. Really made me wish Grayden rode a bus! Thankfully Lisa was able to pick him up while I got myself unstuck and made a visit to the body shop.
Sadler was fighting nap time so hard, until he sat on my lap and was out in 30 seconds! These snuggles don't happen much anymore so I soaked it in!
starting a new book study with my sisters and a couple friends! It's SO good!
Jovie likes the smoothies better than mommy!
sitting in the back of church with little miss Chatty Cathy who was being too noisy to sit in the service a couple weeks ago. She had fun digging in mommy's bag!
Sadler has a hard time adjusting to his time alone when Grayden is back in school after a long Christmas break, and then a long weekend with a couple snow days. I love to see him play alone nicely.
I met with my sister Mindy and her friend's friend to talk about our transplant experiences as she starts her own journey with kidney failure.
Riding their wild roller coaster!
one last look at the long hair!
DIY project for Jovie's room!
the big chop! 7.5" gone!

Trisha did such a great job! I had so much fun!

the finished look! I love it!

Before and After: Front

Before and After: Back
Lubbers get active week 3: hiking in our woods
I found another great use for spray butter, getting Sadler's finger unstuck from the holes in the chair!
We've been having some trying days with this one, but I'm so thankful God's mercy is new every morning and each day is Day One! Love Mattew West's new song "Day One"
it happened: I asked him for a kiss at school drop off and he said "no"
being as sweet as sugar at Grandma's house for the day.
Just me and Jovie for the day on Wednesday.
heart elbow patches!
picnic anyone?
I haaaate this thing, but I've had terrible head pressure and plugged ears so I was willing to try it! I almost drowned and my ears are still stuffed up, but my head pressure is better!
We daddy came home and saw Jovie's boots he said he loved them and would buy her a pony!
the finished gallery wall above her crib, they look so effortless on Pinterest but I spent so much time planning that out, and it's still far from Pinterest worthy, good thing Jovie won't know the difference!
Have a great weekend!