Archive for May 2017

Memorial Day Weekend {2017}

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

We had such a low key weekend, which seemed unusual for us, but it was so nice!
Saturday started off with T-ball practice for Sadler, and continued at home too :)

We did some yard work, Robb attempted to teach me to drive the lawn mower, which was unsuccessful, but gave me a new appreciation for his straight lines!

We did chalk art, plank wars, made lego creations, got some groceries, made a hill-billy bonfire and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows for s'mores. The boys slept in the camper parked in the driveway (until 6am when they joined us in bed) and we all stayed up too late.

Morning came fast for our sleepy crew on Sunday, and we rushed to get out the door in time for church!

We had lunch on the back patio and enjoyed some time at the cottage in the afternoon catching fish, taking a boat ride and exploring the sand bar.

On Monday we took my dad's 'new' truck in the Hamilton Parade. The kids had so much fun throwing candy out, and the boys loved seeing the familiar faces of their friends on the street!

After the parade we went to Robb's parents house for lunch.

At home we had some more fun playing outside, and had another delicious meal on the patio.

And to end our weekend we had some excitement during the boys shower.  Robb and I were both outside talking to his cousins who had brought their camper back to the barn for storage when Sadler comes running out butt naked, sopping wet to tell us that Grayden lost his third tooth!
 It was quite the sight! Sadler slipped in the shower, and as he fell he hit Grayden in the cheek and out popped his tooth, (or so the story goes)!

Yah! His first two teeth came out with a lot of tears and drama so this was a great surprise! ;)

It was a perfect weekend.

So thankful for the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to fight for our freedom.

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{Mother's Day 2017}

Monday, May 22, 2017

So grateful to have these 3 blessings celebrate me on Mother's Day. Worthy are you, Lord! 
For me, Mother's Day is a day of joy and sting intertwined, and I recognize the same to be true for many others. I was praying for those of you who may have been hurting and grieving as well, whether from the loss of a child, infertility, loss of a mother, a broken relationship, whatever the case may be, know you were prayed for. 💞
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." Isaiah 66:13

 We had a great day, starting off with church. We celebrated with my mom with lunch by my parents, made by the guys!

We celebrated Robb's mom in the evening with dinner made by the guys!

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Grayden Robert, you are 8 years old!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Grayden! How are you 8 already?

We've loved watching you grow and mature into the caring, kind and loving boy you are!

 You love school, especially math, and have lots of great friends!

You are a people-pleaser; you love to be verbally affirmed, and hate to disappoint anyone. 

You're faith and love for Jesus is huge! You love to pray, and are quick to suggest that we pray for things before it even comes to my mind! You make me so proud!

You are a great (but slooow!!) eater; you love things like quinoa, kale, shrimp, omelettes and broccoli, and you can't get enough candy!

You are outgoing, and great at making new friends! I love how kind and friendly you are to everyone! You always make a point to stop and say hi, calling them by name, when you see someone you know!

You are an amazing artist, you love all sports, you've only lost 2 teeth so far, and you love life!

We love you Grayden! So thankful we get to call you our son!

Happy 8th Birthday, Cool Dude!

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Grayden's 8th Birthday!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Grayden turned 8 last Friday!
He was eager to remind us that he's half way to driving! Ahh!

He started his day with a cinnamon roll "cake"

I drove them to school, which is always a special treat compared to riding the bus ;)

After school he was a busy guy with lots of phone calls wishing him a happy birthday!

When Robb got home from work we dropped the littles off my Grandpa L and took Gray out for a special birthday dinner to his favorite, Kobe Grill. 

He picked out a yo-yo at the Dollar Tree, and for dessert requested a smoothie from McD's. Simple pleasures :)

He had a great day, and we loved celebrating him!

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{CF Walk}

Thursday, May 11, 2017

This is our friend Elliot! Elliot was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a life-threatening, genetic disease of which there is no cure, but we are hoping to change that by raising money and awareness at the Great Strides CF Walk in a couple weeks! 
To sponsor us follow this link 

Thank you!

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Grayden & Sadler's DINO-mite Birthday Bash

Thursday, May 4, 2017

 We had a DINO-mite time celebrating our dinosaur loving dudes on Saturday!

This was the invite they helped pick out:

For food we served burgers and dino chicken nuggets, quinoa salad, sweet potato fries, bugles (dinosaur toes) applesauce, deviled eggs, and fruit salad. 

the grill masters

it's rough being 3, and the only sibling not getting presents!

The cake:

The boys received many wonderful gifts like these kayaks made into a dinosaur thanks to Grandma L creativity, a basketball hoop, legos, books, dinosaur figurines, bouncy ball making kit, a week at nature camp, games, pool toys, and more!

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