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Archive for May 2009
I am sure it is no surprise to you that there have been lots of changes around our house lately!!! Experiencing motherhood has been such a joy and way more fulfilling than I ever imagined. Life will never be the same!
So in keeping with the theme of changes I think its time to change up this blog a little bit. My blog friend Patrice has been busy working on a new layout for me and I have been throwing around the idea of a new title for this blog.
I started this blog back in March of last year as a way for me to journal my thoughts and relay prayer requests after we lost Brenham, never did I imagine where my life would take me...through kidney failure, a transplant and the journey to adopt our new son! So the title "when hello means good-bye" is still fitting but really my story is SO much more than that now and I want this blog to be about all of that. I have a few new titles I am considering but before I make any decisions I wanted to ask all of my supportive blog readers for your get thinking and leave your ideas in the comment section or email me at katielubbers (at) hotmail (dot) com
I can't wait to see what you come up with and stay tuned for the big change!
And thanks for welcoming our newest addition so warmly! I can't wait to share more when the time is right!
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Grayden, you are 1 week old!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Grayden turned 1 week old today! He has been such a good baby so far and we are making sure we appreciate all the sleep we get now because we know it's about to change!
Grayden you:
usually sleep from around 12:30am-4:00am and then from 4:30am,-7:30am
you eat about every 3-4 hours and never more than 5
you are eating 2 oz at a time of Similac advance formula

you make the cutest chugging/slurping noises when you yummy!
you let out a BIG burp after half your bottle is gone and have never spit up!
when you are getting full you keep sucking but don't swallow so it comes dribbling out the sides
are read to every night

you have the cutest dimples

have dark hairs on your ears! and light hair on your back
you hate baths
but love to have your hair washed.

you scream when we change your clothes or your diaper
you love your paci's; any kind

and love your swing

you like the car seat, even though it may not look like it here, that is your famous 'scowl'.

and you recently found your hands and suck them

you are very strong and can hold your head up and whip it around like a crazy man.
you have the hicups at least once a day.
you fold your hands so sweetly

you love to be held

wear newborn size diapers
wear newborn size clothes

you are sleeping in your crib..such a big boy!

already went to church your first Sunday

you weigh 8.4 oz now
you are such a JOY!
today was a big day for you! you had your newborn photo shoot and did so super good! 

at night we got a very important email from your bmom and she said that she loves you so much and really wants you to be happy and she said she knows you are where you are supposed to be!! That means she wants you to live with us forever!
We thanked God together and cried, we are so happy to hear that your bmom and bdad are at peace with their decision and we continue to pray for that peace.
Right after we read that, daddy changed your diaper and your cord fell off! We think that means you are ready to lose that physicalconnection to your bmom. Of course you will never lose the emotional relationship but we thought that was quite a significant coincidence!
you have so many people who love you and are praying for you and we are so thankful for that, we hope that they continue to pray for you as you grow, for us as your parents that we can be the best parents to you and raise you to love Jesus, and for your bmom and bdad that God will heal their hurting hearts.
Happy 1 week sweet boy!
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Grayden1st year updates
Joyfully announcing....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
the arrival of.....

We are so in love!
I'll update more when the time comes but right now we are enjoying this precious gift from God and praising Him for his faithfulness!
"No more pictures Mom..."

sorry, he's the boss around here lately :)
Thank you all for your continued prayers...we are so blessed!
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Grayden's birthday
watcha readin'?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My sister is looking for some book recommendations to read this summer. Anybody have some to suggest to her?
(something other than the Twilight Series!)
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My 2nd Mother's Day without you
Sunday, May 10, 2009

I miss you sweet boy, thank you for the honor it is to be your mommy. I love you so much and as always can't wait for the day when we are united again. You have blessed my life in so many ways, you are such a gift!
To our own moms~ We love you very much! Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Happy Mother's Day!
To all you other mothers out there I'd like to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, may your children continue to bless and enrich your lives each and every day!
To all you mothers out there without your children here to hug today, Happy Mother's Day and know you are in my prayers on this difficult day. Your children may not be here to make you breakfast in bed today but they love you so very much. You are great mommies.
And to all you women who long to be a mother, this day is especially difficult for you as well. Today as you sit in silence and tears as the mothers glow from happiness on their special day, know you are being prayed for as well. May God bless you and multiply your families in His own perfect timing.
Love and Prayers~
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Our Weekend Getaway
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Robb and I had a great time last weekend getting away to Traverse City for awhile. We basically decided to go three days before and just packed a bag and took off without any plans. We just went with the flow and had a great time!
We left after Robb got home from work on Friday and stopped to eat at 'Bennigans' on the way up. (we didnt mean to wear matching colors...but I did read that the nautical theme is HOT this season!)
After dinner we drove the rest of the way to Traverse City and enjoyed the beautiful sky as we drove!

The first hotel we came upon in Traverse was the Great Wolf Lodge so we checked if they had any rooms left and they did so we booked a room and and hung out in the water park the next morning.
We had to check out of the room at 11 but we could stay in the water park as long as we wanted so we had to get ready in the water park bathroom when we were ready to leave! It was so funny I was laughing at myself...I must have looked like such a nut! Don't ya think?!?

So since we didn't have a plan we drove around downtown for awhile in the afternoon until we saw a bike rental shop and decided to be adventurous and rented a tandem bike!
It was a blast and I am so glad we did it! I think we biked about 15 miles with a few stops for some pictures and lunch along the way..we had fried fave! (who thinks they know where we ate?!)

After we burnt off so much energy we HAD to head to the famous 'Moomers' (voted America's best homemade ice cream by Good Morning America!)
It was just as good as they say!

And we couldn't go to Traverse City without a little shopping, so hit up a small outlet mall before we found another hotel to check into for the second night. We relaxed in the room until we headed out again for the Cherry Bowl Drive-In Movie Theater...which was so much fun! Monsters vs. Aliens was the first feature and after that was Fast and was such a great way to end or trip!

We headed for home the next morning!
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catching up
Friday, May 1, 2009
its been a busy few weeks around here. Here's what we've been up to.
Last weekend I spent some time preparing some meals to add to our freezer stash...I made a total of 12 meals~ almost all of them being blog reader suggested...they look so good~we cant wait to try them! This first batch I completed all in the time it took to listen to the whole 'All That I Can Say' cd~(thanks Kate!) By the time the last song ended they were in the freezer and the second batch went about half as fast with the help of my sister Lisa.

We also went to see Steven Curtis Champan and Michael W. Smith in concert last week...they were amazing and we had such a great time. My favorite part was to hear Steven Curtis Champan talk about their stories of adoption and the loss of their daughter definitely hit home in many ways. Thanks Ms. 'Usher Lady' (sorry I didnt catch you name :) for your hug and encouragement! I am so glad you said hi!

On the 25th we were honored to witness the wedding vows exchanged by Nicole and Chad! It was such a beautiful wedding and Nicole made a beautiful bride. I hope they are having a great time in Mexico on there honeymoon and praying they stay away from the piggies ;)

We are going a little stir crazy waiting for a certain phone call so we decided to make a last minute weekend getaway to Traverse City...we dont have anything planned~ we are just going. and we are really looking forward to spending some time as a couple while we can! We'll share all about it when we get back.
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