Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


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16 Responses to “ Wordless Wednesday ”

Jeannie said...

I have to laugh :-) That looks all to familiar!

Jody said...

I could almost swear this was my house. Books, books everywhere!

Lisa said...

As Grayden would say - mess! mess!

J and A said...

He is having way too much fun! Love it.

Tickled Pink Mandy said...

Love it! :) Very familiar my our house!

Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

I had to do a double take...it looks like our house! We had someone build the exact same toy box, and we have it sitting in a very similiar place! Too funny. Boys sure are messy!

Risa said...


Erin said...

Oh my! Perhaps it means he will become an author

Krista said...

Ha- that is what my living room looks like too!

Verna said...

Looks like my daughter's house when my granddaughter plays.

Devin said...

Ah!! A voracious reader--that's NEVER a bad thing! He is so cute.

The mess....not so much...


Anonymous said...

Yes, really.

Jessica said...

Hi, I just found your blog through a mutual friend's. Just wanted to drop in and say hi! I look forward to following you. LOVE this picture!


Ashley Tremaine said...

hmmm...looks very familiar to me...pretty sure that's my living room!! Ha! And isn't it fun cleaning it all up?! ha! I have been reading your blog for a while and I just love it!! I just wanted to let you know I awarded your blog the STYLISH BLOG AWARD over on my blog!!


Anonymous said...


I read your blog all the time....love it! I have a son who is about a month older than Grayden. I have been looking at similar toy storage at Land of Nod and am wondering if that is where your white cubes came from or if you found some place cheaper....THANKS!


Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

yes, it is from Land of Nod, we love it!!