We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, so thankful to the men and women who gave their lives to fight for our freedom.
Archive for May 2013
Memorial Day Weekend
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
We spent Saturday and Sunday at the cottage. It was pretty chilly but that didn't keep us from enjoying a few boat rides, s'mores and delicious food!
Early Monday morning we met with my mom's side of the family for breakfast at Russ'
Then we headed to the Zeeland Memorial Day parade, Grayden rode on a wagon with his friends from school! He loved it being in the parade and was able to watch a good portion of it with us as well since his float was towards the beginning of the parade.
Sadler sat so nice and still but Aunt Lisa, he loved it!
I couldn't get Gray to turn away for 2 seconds to take a picture with me!
We spent the rest of the day being lazy and hanging out at home.
The night was dragging by, so we decided to do something spontaneous that didn't require being out in the rain or getting ready; we picked up a 'hot and ready' pizza at Little Caesar's and had a picnic in the back of the van!
The boys loved it and I loved that I didn't have to change out of my sweats!
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School's out!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Grayden had such a fun year at 3school!
Last day: May 21, 2013
First day: September 11, 2012
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Insta Friday
Monthly playgroup: play-doh fun!
Grayden had such a special day last week Tuesday at school. Not only did he get to bring birthday treats for his friends, but he also got to wear the birthday crown and take a field trip to a nearby ice cream shop! He had his first cone! (We always order in cups!)
Sadler is such a determined little boy, I was very entertained watching him attempt to climb the rock wall, just a little too short yet :)
Fun picnic lunch! Anyone else have to feed their kids in stages? I have to give them their sandwiches to eat first before any fruit or sides otherwise they'll fill up on that!
Gray snacking on a hot dog bun!
I have the best husband!
This picture will forever crack me up, it just doesn't get old! Love that little boy and his 'tude!
First trip out to the lake last weekend to put the dock and boat lifts in, I didn't bring suits along but that didn't stop them!
Gray's been taking AWESOME naps lately! (thank you summer!) One day last week, he woke up from a nap, walked in my room, hopped in my bed, (I was resting too!) and fell asleep again!
Sunday night park dates with our friends have started up again! So much fun!
Fun in the sandbox with my nieces!
Gray had his last technical day of preschool on Tuesday (he had a park party today with his class) so as a treat before school we grabbed breakfast at Burger King. They ask to go there every time we drive past on the way to school, twice a week for the past 8 months! I finally gave in and they were so happy!
Grandma R picked him up from school so I could stay with Sadler at music class, she treated him to a happy meal for lunch and when he got home he told me that his chocolate milk looked like Sadler's skin!
It was the sweetest thing, I love that he's finally noticing the beautiful differences between him and his brother!
Big and little ;)
Grayden snuggled up on the couch with me and said "Mom, will you share your blanket with me?" That's by skirt, buddy, but sure!
I was not invited to this painting party! What a mess!
I should know better than to trust a quiet toddler!
I couldn't stay mad at him long, he's just too stinkin cute!
My little Gap models!
He's such a little ham in front of mirrors!
Girls night at Applebee's last night, so fun!
Have a great, safe weekend everyone!
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Grayden Robert, you are 4 years old!
Friday, May 17, 2013

Wow, buddy! FOUR?! You are getting so old! You are such a joy, Grayden. We love you so much and are so proud of the boy you are becoming. You are so sweet and silly.
Your third year proved to be the most difficult for us as parents, to date. We struggled with listening skills and talking back, but we've been seeing improvement, bud! I think year number 4 is going to be the best year yet!
Here's what you've been up to lately:
You are a good {slow} eater, pretty willing to try new things. We usually have to remind you to take more bites as you are typically quite distracted at meal time, but you finish your plate eventually, and even ask for seconds. You love eggs, pizza, tomatoes, tacos, milk, yogurt, chicken, pork chops, pasta, pickles, and 'cheese hamburgers'. And you have a BIG sweet tooth!
You play so good by yourself, but also love to play with others. Sharing is still a difficult task for you, especially when it means sharing with Sadler.
You have absolutely loved 3school. You have done so many fun things and made many great memories. One of my favorite times of our week is on our twice a week drive to school, when we pray in the van together. It's been so amazing to see your prayer life unfold over the past year. We started the year with me praying and you repeating after me, but for the past couple months you pray out load yourself and I just love to hear you talk to Jesus! You've also learned the Lord's prayer recently and pray for us before meals and bedtime.
You love playing outside riding your toys in the driveway and in the sand box.
You still LOVE playing with John Deere tractors, matchbox and hot wheel cars. You love Jimmie Johnson.
Your favorite colors are blue and orange.
Your favorite shows are: Wild Kratts, Henry Hugglemonster, and Sadler's gotten you hooked on Sofia the First. ;) Such well-rounded taste!
One of your favorite things we've done this past year is taking the train to Chicago and going to the aquarium. You still talk about it and remember every detail.
You've become a little back seat driver, always telling us to slow down, look at the road, keep two hands on the wheel, and stop all the way. I really have no idea where you've picked up these drivers tips, but I think you'll be a great drivers ed. student in 11 years!
You are the king of compliments, and such a gentlemen. You often tell me you like my outfit or tell me to "be careful walking in those heels!' Although, I do have to mention what you said to me the other day after giving me a kiss! "Mom, you need polish for your lips! lol, better get some more chapstick!
You sleep about 10 hours at night and take a nice long nap (2-3 hours) about 2-3 times a week. Still not completely dry at night but were in no rush, you'll do it when you're ready!
You say the cutest, funniest things to your brother, like "Buddy, your cheeks are so rosy, are you sure you don't want to go back to sleep,?" in the sweetest, most motherly voice! You almost always call him honey, sweetie, or buddy and then usually hit him two minutes later. Ugh, brothers! That's normal, right!?
You have no fear of strangers, and are almost a little too friendly to people. You'll strike up a conversation with anyone who makes eye contact with you! Those poor Target cashiers ;)
We couldn't be more proud of you and your verse memorization we've been working on with you.! We're working our way through the alphabet of Bible verses (see Pinterest) and were doing about 1-2 a week for awhile, then we took a break so you could work on Psalm 100 with your Rev. Kids class. Now that you're finished with that we have to start back up! You have such a thirst for learning and my heart bursts to hear you recite scripture! Keep it up, buddy!
Although you do have your moments of willful defiance, deep down you really do WANT be obedient, and you are so thrilled with yourself when you remind us of the times when you make good choices and listen the first time! You even tell us to forgive Sadler when we have to get after him! You love having our praise and approval. We don't tell you enough how proud of you we are. You are a good boy, Grayden!
We know that God has big plans for you, Grayden. You are such a special boy, and we love you SO much!
Photo credit: Kim Egedus
*I've gone back and added a few more adorable and hilarious pictures to Sadler's birthday post too now that I've gotten all the proofs back, so click here if you want to see those, and trust me, you do! :)
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Grayden's birthday
Happy 4th Birthday Grayden!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Grayden turns 4 years old today, at 9:51 pm!
Since he had to share his special day with Mother's Day this year, and we had a couple parties to go to, we celebrated his special day yesterday.
We went out to breakfast at his favorite, Panera Bread!
Then we had a couple errands to do, including getting a new battery for his new quad he got as a gift at his birthday party a couple weeks ago, he was so excited to go home and finally be able to ride it that he chose to not go to daddy's work and get a ride in a big semi (which has been our tradition on birthdays). I couldn't blame him, so home we went for his endless laps around the house, he loved it!
At night we let him chose where we went for dinner, he chose Taco Bell! Cheap date :)
After dinner we let him pick out his OWN redbox movie, he was so excited!
I think he had a pretty fun day, and we did too!
(His 4 year update is to come later this week)
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Grayden's birthday
Happy Mother's Day
Just wanted to quick wish all you mothers out there and my own mom and mother in law a "Happy Mother's Day!" I hope you each had wonderful days and were loved on and treated extra special by your children today! I had a great day going to church with my family, then we went to my Grandma's house for lunch. After naps in the afternoon we went to the Revolution service where Grayden recited Psalm 100 in front of everyone with his classmates (good job buddy), and then went to Mindy and Kyle's house for dinner with my family.
I also wanted to let those of you who are not mothers (yet) or who have a child(ren) in Heaven, or whose mothers are not in their lives anymore that you were heavy on my heart today. I prayed for you often. I know many of you struggle on this day and I wanted to tell you that you were in my mind and in my prayers.
Me and my boys before church this morning, so blessed to have been chosen to be their mommy.
I know I am far from the perfect mom, but I try my best to nurture them, and love them, and teach them about Jesus. I often lose my patience with them and get angry, I don't always give them all the attention they deserve or tell them how proud I am of them often enough.
But, I pray that they always know how deeply I love them, and how thankful I am for the blessings they are to me. I ask God to help me be the best mother I can be and parent them in a way that pleases Him.
I love you boys! Thanks for making my day so special!
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Insta Friday
Friday, May 10, 2013
The last few weeks of iphone pics:
Gray's 3school class had a bike parade at the end of the day a couple weeks ago, for someone who's not too sure of himself on his bike, he did GREAT!
so fun! It was a perfect day for it!
it's prom season, love doing the updo's
we had family date night a few weekends ago and tried out Peachwave, the new fro-yo joint in town, so good!
The boys looking so handsome for church in their new shirts from Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Alyssa.
you know its Spring when the driveway looks like this!
praying over our first meal on the back patio of the season!
cool dudes
roasting hot dogs over the fire last week! LOVE!
relaxing in the sun on Sunday in my new chair I got as an early Mother's Day gift :)
When Gray wakes up in the morning he helps himself to the pantry and has been making his own 'breakfast'
this particular day (yes, in Christmas jammies) he made a parfait of peanut butter crackers, chocolate chips and potato chips in a pitcher!
then it was chocolate chips in a strainer!
Tulip Time parade on Wednesday with my friend Emily and her girlies!
I had planned on going downtown again that night for a junk food dinner when Robb got home, but wasn't excited about braving all the chaos again, so a last minute pizza picnic was our back-up plan!
Robb spotted a snake, but this girl wasn't about to let it ruin or picnic :)
Gray made me a sand cake, it loosks quite similar to one we had at some one's birthday a couple weekends ago! Love it!
Who cuts themselves with a butter knife? Me, ouch!
They go outside to watch the underground sprinklers for fun, must be a boy thing!
The boys chose to watch TV in my salon, of the 6 TV's we have in the house, they picked this one, too funny!
Had an early morning visitor in the house this morning, a nurse doing blood work and vitals for our life insurance plan, it was a little weird!
best moments of the week:
~lots of beautiful weather to play outside.
~special lunch picnics at home with daddy one day, and at the park with Grandma another day.
~spending time with Robb at the Summit last week, so thankful to have him there with me, he's my best friend and I love when we're together!
~Surprise 'just because' flowers from Robb!
~ A good friend of mine welcoming a new baby into their family this week though the gift of adoption. An answer to many prayers!!
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