{bUmPDATE} end of week 34!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Friday marked the big 35/35 milestone...35 weeks down 35 days to go!
Praising God for each day!

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6 Responses to “ {bUmPDATE} end of week 34! ”

Me said...

You look TERRIFIC for 34 weeks! I barely showed most of my pregnancies but by 34 weeks I looked like Hump to Dumpty!

Jill Sloothaak said...

Looking BEAUTIFUL, Katie!!

Anonymous said...

You look great...only a month or so left...can't wait to see pictures of the new little one...continuing to pray that all goes well

Jami said...

I've been praying for you. I love reading your weekly updates. Each day is a bigger and better milestone. Praise God for such a great pregnancy.

maydaygirl said...

You look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Maybe you could do a post on your maternity fashion- would love to know where you shop!