Jovie takes her first ballet class
I take a girls trip to Fort Lauderdale for a long weekend
Robb turns 33
Annual Flokstra Costume party
Sadler goes to soccer camp

Labor Day Truck Parade

Sadler starts soccer

Grayden goes to basketball camp

Sadler goes to soccer camp

Jovie turns 4
New Years Eve at home, relaxing with a redox movie (and blue candy canes ;)
3rd Annual IF: Gathering Weekend
2nd Annual Woven Retreat
Robb and I attend a Weekend To Remember marriage retreat
We celebrate Brenham's 9th Birthday
I launch my new business as a Noonday Ambassador
Grayden gets 1st place for his first pinewood derby car in Cadets
We take a road trip to Flordia...
and take a Disney cruise
We check our the Ark Encounter on our way back home
Watched my dad drive a Porsche around a race track for his birthday gift
Easter Sunday
Sadler turns 6
We celebrate the boys' birthdays with a dinosaur theme party
Mothers Day
Grayden starts baseaball
Tulip Time
Grayden turns 8
We take my dad's truck in the Hamilton Memorial Day Parade
The boys finish 2nd grade and Kindergarten
Sadler plays t-ball
Fathers Day
We spend a week camping at Hungry Horse
Family trip to the Zoo
4th of July at the cottage
the boys go to nature camp
sisters weekend in Chicago
Tractor pulls at the fair
K&R summer party at the park
Sadler spends a night in Shipsee with Grandma and Grandpa R
Grandpa and Grandma L take the kids to a Hope Theater play
Long weekend camping at Dunes Harbor
Meeting new cousin Bennett
Camp Geneva Day camp for the boys
Robb and I take a (day) trip to Port Huron
Watching the solar eclipse from the beach
Hudsonville Fair
Family bike trip
Labor Day Truck Parade
Family pictures
The boys start 3rd and 1st Grade
Family WhiteCaps game
Grayden starts soccer
Sadler starts soccer
I turn 32
Jovie starts 3-school
Fall fest at Tri-ponds
Jovie gets her first haircut
Celebrating 9 years post-transplant
Robb and I compete (and WIN) the Amazing Race with CWC
We celebrate 12 years of marriage
Our little trick-or-treaters on Halloween
Sadler looses his first tooth!
We spend Thanksgiving Weekend on a cruise with the Rietman family
Grayden goes to basketball camp

Sadler goes to soccer camp
Jovie turns 4
We celebrate with a unicorn birthday party
Many fun Christmas parties
Thank you, Lord for blessing us so richly in 2017.
I thank you for keeping our family safe, I praise you for our health, and for restoring our bodies when we’ve been sick. Thank you for our jobs and for providing all that we need, and more. Thank you for the awesome opportunities we’ve had to travel and see the beauty you’ve created around us. Thank you for our children and blessing us with them.
Thank you for our marriage and for giving us 12 wonderful years together. Thank you for all the fun times we’ve spent this past year with friends and family and for the blessings they are in our lives.
Lord, I pray for your protection over our family in 2018, and for continued health and happiness. We ask you to guide us in the year to come as we seek your will for our lives. We look forward to what your plan holds for us in the coming year. We know whatever comes our way, you will be there through it all. Help us to live our lives in a way that may please you in the year to come.
Happy New Year!!
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