You are 1.5 years old today!
I can’t believe it!
Seems like just yesterday we met you for the first time!
You are at such a fun age right now. Daddy and I are constantly amazed by you and the new things you are learning and the trouble you find yourself in.

Its fun to be able to see your personality already. We know you will be a strong, smart, funny, and obviously handsome man one day…one young lady will be very lucky to marry you some day!
You have 12 teeth! 6 on top and 6 on the bottom.
Last time you were at the dr. you were 23 lbs and 31.5 inches.
You are a very healthy boy, 18 months and still no antibiotics or prescriptions in your name! 
You have an outstanding vocabulary there isn’t much you can’t say and you talk non-stop. You can count to 3 and know all your body parts, know all the animals and their sounds (at least the common ones) and communicate with us really well. You are such a smarty pants!
You love Elmo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, whenever you see Mickey you say ‘hotdog-hotdog’ just like they do on the show!
You don’t miss a thing, you’re always observing the world around you! You can hear a truck go by our house, or spot a duck way before I do!
You have the best expressions, I don’t know where you get that from but you get comments on it even from strangers!
You are a great eater, there isn’t much you don’t like and you’re willing to try anything!
Believe it or not, you have had your fair share of time outs in the last few months, you are
very strong-willed and like to have your way! You also went through a little whiny stage; we hope Mr. Whiney is gone for good! 90% of the time you are so sweet and very well behaved for an 18 month old.
We love you just the same, even when you are a little naughty!
You will never know how much joy you bring us Grayden Robert!
We thank God for you everyday!
Happy 18 months baby!