This post is long overdue, sorry to those of you who have been waiting for a post on my recent weight loss, thank you for your patience.
One of the reasons I put it off for so long is because I am not an expert, this is what worked for me, it may not have been the best way or the right way, and it may not be what's right for you, so keep that in mind while reading! This is the first time I have ever lost weight on purpose, so it was all new to me.
So here's the story.
Since my transplant I put on over 30 pounds, 10 of those were necessary because I was too thin from being so sick and I did not look or feel healthy. I remember at my lowest weight I felt like a little girl, no curves whats-so-ever.

(summer 2008, chicken legs,)
I think the combination of my new medications (steroids) and being a stay at home mom packed on the pounds. When I stay home all day I'm not as active as I was when I was out of the house, working and I also ate a lot, partially because the food was right there all day, and partially because I couldn't stand to waste food, so whatever the kids didn't finish at meal time, I would eat it for them.
(spring 2012, at my heaviest)
Now, I know being 20 pounds overweight isn't a lot. In fact, because I'm tall (5'9") not many people noticed my weight gain (or so they say!) and I was still under the 'healthy weight' category according to the Standard BMI Calculator. But, I didn't feel good about myself, I hated the 'too tight jeans' feeling, I had a killer muffin top and really lacked energy. I wanted to get back to my normal weight, before getting sick.
At the end of March, my friend Angie started her own Zumba class, so to be supportive I went to one of her classes and was hooked! I felt so good after working out and Zumba was the most fun I'd ever had working out. So I figured while I was going to Zumba 1-3 times a week I might as well make it worth something and diet while I'm at it. I also did workout videos at home, did some treadmill workouts, took walks with the boys, rode bike and just overall tried to be more active throughout the day. I tried to get my heart rate up, in some way, everyday.
I used the myfitnesspal app on my iphone to track my calories. It was super hard at first to trade in my Oreos (not kidding) for carrots but after awhile I really started to actually enjoy eating healthy, burning calories and watching the number on the scale go lower and lower.
By the end of Summer I met and ever surpassed my goal weight.
(Summer 2012, same jeans I have on in the above picture)
I lost a total of 22 pounds and I'm now working to maintain that weight, and it's a constant battle to stay toned and not turn to flab, even if the scale stays the same.
I don't workout near as much as I did while I was trying to lose weight and I don't track every calorie anymore. I can enjoy a donut every once and awhile, I even had my first Oreo (and then many more) the other day after 10 months without, but I still try to make healthy choices the majority of the time.
I also want to say how helpful it was for me to have a weight loss buddy! My sister, Lisa, started her journey to weight loss around the same time I did (she's lost over 60 pounds and still kicking butt!!) and I found it so helpful to be able to support each other and keep each other accountable while we sat around the cottage all summer watching everyone eat Klondike bars while we munched on carrots!
So if you can team up with a friend or your spouse, I'd highly recommend it!
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments sections.