I wrote my first ever blog post 5 years ago today!
I can hardly believe that. When I look back through some of my old posts, I can hardly stand to read them, I barely recognize the girl who wrote those words, so full of hurt and sadness. I almost want to delete them, but they were real and raw emotions, they remind me where I was, how far I've come and how He 'turned my mourning into dancing' {Psalm 30:11}
Looking back over the past 5 years of blogging I'm reminded of a song we sing in church called "Never Once" by Matt Redman. The words are so true, it's evident as you read through the past 900 posts that God is faithful, and He is always with us!
"Scars and struggles on the way but with joy our hearts can say, Yes, our hearts can say, Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did You leave us on our own. You are faithful, God, You are faithful"
Thank you for your love, support, and prayers over the past 5 years. Reading through all of your comments still make smile. I'm not sure how you all stuck with me during those dark times but I'm thankful for your friendship and words of encouragement.
Here's to another 5 years!
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7 Responses to “ 5 year blogiversary ”
Congrats and keep posting! I enjoy reading your blog! :)
Happy Anniversary!!! :D I read every post!
Congrats! I read your blog all the time and am very thankful for your dedication!
CrAzY that you mentioned that song because I heard it this morning (before I read this) and thought of you! I was going to find it and message it to you because you kept coming to mind. God is great like that!
April 30th is my 5 year! I've decided to write a book and over the past several weeks I have done a lot of reflecting and re-reading of my blog. I, too, cringe to read some of my past words...
The hurt and ache seems so long ago. Your blog was one of the first I found! How you have encouraged and inspired me over the years!
Whether we ever actually meet or not (I hope we do!), I consider you friend.
God is faithful to the end. If only the girls of 2013 could go back and tell the girls of 2008.
Happy Blogiversary!!!
Aww! I've been reading this whole time!
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