Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

We always do our little family party on Christmas Eve. I made root beer chicken wings and a rice dish, and we had sherbet for dessert, which the kids just loved!

Their excitement, hugs and screams of "thank you mom and dad!' make all the crowds, busy parking lots, long lines and cranky cashiers worth it all!

We got Grayden, a light up bow and arrow, Quixels, and a lego set. Sadler got a light up bow and arrow, Suspend game, and dinosaur toy. Jovie got Puppy Surprise, a vtech tablet and a baby stroller. 

Robb took the kids shopping and they each picked out a special gift for me, which was so precious! Grayden picked out light up bulb earrings, that he wrapped up in a box made of Magnatiles, picture to come! Sadler got me a bright pink fuzzy robe, and Jovie picked out a new coffee mug! And Robb got me a sweater. We don't always exchange gifts so that was a special surprise! 

The boys each made us some hand-print gifts they made at school.

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