***Updated @ 9:45 pm***
my due date. i have waited and anticipated this day for 9 months now. And its finally here, only instead of awaiting our baby's arrival we are left missing and mourning him. I have missed him so much but really how can you miss something that wasn't even supposed to be here until now? Now he really should be here, he should be home with us, we should be taking care of him now. Now the missing him has really begun.
Today Robb and I brought an "It's a Boy" balloon to Brenhams grave site to celebrate his due date. I am not really sure why, i guess i have always looked forward to getting a balloon like that one day, and thought, hey why not still get one. so i did,
here is how my conversation went with the dollar store lady(dsl) who i bought the balloon from:
me: i need the balloon that says "its a boy" number 72.
dsl: aw, okay, how old is the baby?
me: uh, just a day old.
dsl: oh, are you an aunt,
me: uh....nope... just a friend
dsl: oh is the little guy healthy?
me: yup. he is perfect.
dsl: well congrats to your friend. that will be $2.11
me: okay. thanks
dsl: oh looks like you have some problems of your own, whats that? (points to my port)
me: uh yea, i am on dialysis, can we stop talking now?
okay, so i didnt say that last part, but really come on. Call me chicken but i really didnt feel like getting into everything with this random stranger on a day like today.
Anyway, doesnt this look cute? Totally worth the awkwardness with the dollar store lady.
And there was even a new teddy bear camping out there, who brought him that? Thank you whoever it was, what a sweet surprise!
then this is what we saw on the way home from the cemetery on our church's sign:

its been quite a day, thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and cards today.