wordless wednesday

Wednesday, February 1, 2012




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13 Responses to “ wordless wednesday ”

Anonymous said...

OH NO! Naughty little guy!

Shannon said...

too funny! we've had some self coloring as well. so hard to get it off- even with all the scrubbing!

Jeannie said...

Oh my! We just had a similar situation; but with a Sharpie marker :-/

Anonymous said...

we had that happen before.Is he potty trained?

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

yes, he stills wears a diaper while he sleeps though.

Anonymous said...

my daughter did the same thing when i was in the shower...
but to her face!
how can you get mad when it's sooo funny :)

Brandy said...

He looks so proud:)

Wendy said...

Wow! Looks like he had lots of fun :)

Marcie said...

Ha Ha Love it!
Hope that wasn't a permanent marker!

Amy said...

love it! he's so cute!

Verna said...

On self or on the wall. They are always so proud of their work, till the scrubbing begins. Hope it was washable and didn't have to wear off.

momto8 said...

hahaha....i have definitely seen this before!! too funny..these really are great pictures to laugh about in 15 yrs!!
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-Lauren said...

I just laughed so hard at this. So so cute!