*Summer List*

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My goal for this summer is to pack it full with fun things! Last summer we were in the process of building our home and had a fussy baby that kept us very busy, so THIS year I want to make sure its full of good summer time fun and less busyness!

To ensure that happens before we blink, and summer is gone, I made a list of things we’d like to do. I’m sure some of them we’ll do plenty of times and some of them we won’t do at all, but I wanted to have them written down (in a spot that I wouldn’t lose!!) so we can check back when we have free time to do them!
I’ll be posting pictures as we go!


*pick berries

*feed ducks

*Fillmore park

*outdoor discovery center

*kollen’s park

*timber town

*Lawrence st. park

*farmer’s market/ market kid’s activities

*whitecaps game

*downtown fountain


*coast guard festival (July 27-August 5)

*hot air balloon show (June 30, July 1)

*truck parade (labor day)

*memorial day parade

*have picnic


*water bed (Pinterest)

*run through sprinklers

*fly kite

*sidewalk chalk

*go garage sale-ing


*Meijer gardens

*library programs

*lemonade stand

*downtown street performers (thursday nights)

*play tennis

*go to cottage

*swimming lessons

*pool time

*bike ride

*mini golf


*water table

*little pool

*sand box/swing set


*hike trails

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4 Responses to “ *Summer List* ”

Krista said...

We should do a play date at the Outdoor Discovery Center sometime. I love that place but always forget about it. See you at swimming lessons also!

Carrie said...

Great list! This makes me so excited
for summer!

Anonymous said...

Great list! It does make it easier to plan fun things when you don't have a newborn anymore! And you almost have to have a big list like this when you are a stay at home mom! Your kids are lucky to have such a fun and creative mom!

Ashley B. said...

If it's okay, I'm going to email you asking for some suggests on what to do and where to eat as I'll be traveling to your area this summer for a conference and will be bringing my family. I need toddler friendly everything :)