PD is going great this time, i guess third times the charm!! I love being at home and not having to sit in that chair for 12 hours a week. Ahhh, love it!
I thought i would let you know how it works, it is a lot easier on my body b/c it is working continuously just like healthy kidneys instead of just 12 hours a week, so it is less intense. It works with fluid and not blood so that helps with the fatigue and headaches i was having too! I have a tube in my stomach (sewn in place this time so that it doesnt move out of position again). the end of the tube comes out about 16 inches, i usually tuck the end into my pants to hide it, but this is what it looks like un-tucked.

I have a bag full of solution and a drain bag. The full bag gets put up on an IV pole and slowly drips into my stomach (peritoneal cavity) through the tube. Its 1500 cc's or about 3 pounds of fluid that goes in (so i got a little tummy bloat going on!). that fluid sits in there for about 4-5 hours during which it draws toxins out of my body and then i drain it out using the same tube into the drain bag and start all over again by putting another bag of solution right back in. 
bag of solution

drain bag
I do that process 4 times a day and it takes about 20 minutes. Pretty simple concept, but i think it is all pretty amazing how that works. but there was a lot to learn. And it takes a lot of planning. I always have to make sure i am home on time to do a treatment. But its WAY better than going to the dialysis center.
So there you have it. Do you feel smarter now that you know all about PD? Hopefully it is all useless knowledge to you and you never have to use it though!
Thank you for all of your sweet comment on sweet brenham's video, they mean so much to us. He is so special to us and we are touched that he is to you too!