Holland's Big Give

Monday, June 9, 2008

First of all i want to to thank everyone for all of your support and encouragement you have left me, i love to read all of your comments!

And for all of you who have asked "what can i do to help?" ....

I have a way you can help.

My boss and co-workers at Home and Company along with other participating stores Downtown Holland have arranged a charity event in my honor.

"Holland's Big Give" will take place this Thursday, June 12 the night of the Street Performers season kick-off. Over 30 stores are participating by donating 10% of their sales from 6 pm-closing time to the Katie Lubbers' Medical Fund!!

So come out and enjoy the fun festivities and be sure to shop the great downtown stores!

Signs indicating “Holland’s Big Give” will be in the windows of participating stores.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!!

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6 Responses to “ Holland's Big Give ”

Kellie said...

Awesome! I am there!

Miranda said...

I just wanted to say that I love the song that's playing on your blog right now ("If you want me to" by Ginny Owens).

The Klanderman Family said...


Praying even when the lights go out...both actually and figuratively. Thanks for letting us know about Thursday. What a blessing...like sunshine through the rain. Praying continually. At His feet, Amy & the Kmans

Anonymous said...

Great idea! We'll be there...spending our money.

Tami Parks said...

As a Downtown merchant, I am so glad this was organized...we really want to help others in our community and often do not know what to do...we are thankful for this opportunity to live out God's love...may it be a big blessing to your family.

Anonymous said...

Katie, I have been praying for you for a long time and had no idea you live less than 30 minutes from me!

Small world - I will be there.