Let me tell you about my day

Monday, August 25, 2008

As you all know last night I was struggling and felt the need to write about it. Well after I posted that I found myself awake during the very early hours this morning searching my mind for memories but I wasnt sure how to do it. Just when I was about to end my efforts I checked my email and to my surprise I had an email sent to me from one of my nurses that cared for me after brenham was born. She went on to to tell me all the precious details from that day that she remembered. That was what I was searching for and that was what I was waiting up so late to hear. How is it that she was up that late and happened to read my entry from just a couple hours ago? God heard my cry and knew just what I needed when I needed it most.

Then this afternoon another blog reader called me and told me about a speaker who was talking at a church nearby about his journey of grief. She thought it would be very beneficial to us. So when robb came home from work and we sat down for dinner we discussed it and we agreed to check it out. Before we left for the seminar while robb was cleaning up the kitchen (bless him!) I felt led to write to Kathy and her husband who recently lost their daughter Grace in a tragic event. They have been heavy on my heart since I first heard of their loss. I dont know Kathy well (although she did help us plan our honeymoon) but I do know her heart and how it aches for her daughter, so I wrote her a letter and emailed it to my husband so he could print it off when he gets to work tomorrow. I finished it up just as we were ready to leave.

As we drove to the church I told robb about the letter and we talked about Kathy and Brian the whole way there. I remember he said something like "God is using you to help other people through similar struggles" I dont know if that is true but I just felt like I needed to do something for them.
Once we arrived we sat down in a pew and I scanned the room and you wouldnt believe who I spotted....Kathy and her husband. I thought for a moment about what to do, should I introduce myself, should i say something, will she remember me? It didnt take long for me to remember what I would want someone to do to me. As I walked over to her and her husband I practiced in my head what I was going to say, but once my eyes met hers my plan went out the window, she recognized me too and reads my blog as well and our mommy hearts connected as we hugged each other. I can feel God moving in my life. He has not forgotten me and knows the longings of my heart. He has proven that in ways I never thought possible today.

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11 Responses to “ Let me tell you about my day ”

Anonymous said...

His ways are above our ways, His thoughts above our thoughts. God delights in meeting our needs in ways we never humanly thought possible. May your faith continue to grow as He shows himself faithful.

It was great to see you and Robb at the meeting tonight.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you can feel the Holy Spirit working in your life. He's the one that gave you the strength to write that letter and the urge to go to that meeting and the nudge to speak and comfort as you have been comforted.

You are both living out 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Praise God!

Debbi's Blog said...



Mindy Roelofs said...

Katie that is so amazing!! I love to hear about those moments!!

Anonymous said...

Your faith is an inspiration to me, Katie. God bless you, Rob and Brenham.

Kellie said...

Katie, I think about them all the time too! It was nice to hear that you were able to help them out and you could connect with her. Every time I pray I always ask God to watch over all 4 of our angels. Hope you are doing well!

LJFredricks said...

goosebumps! YEAH GOD!

Kim Lubbers said...

Katie,I love hearing "yeah God" moments! You are definitely hearing God's voice and thanks for sharing! I spent time with Kathy this morning and she said you had just finished writing them a letter before you saw them last night. Then I came home and saw your lastest post and it gave me goosebumps!Take care!  Kim

Anonymous said...

Katie you are an inspiration to me daily. Thank you for sharing your journey so honestly. There is nothing more special than the moments where we can see God at work in our lives. I also read Kathy's blog and the two of you are in my prayers daily. God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie and Robb - thanks for sharing those special moments with us. And thanks for letting God use your lives to help and touch others - either personally or through your writings. You guys are an inspiration to all who know you - may God continue to reveal Himself to all of us everyday - friend from ORC

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing a way that God has used you to help other people through their struggles.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who, have been called according to his purpose.

Thank you again for sharing all of your struggles.

God bless you and Robb.