My new fuzzy friend

Friday, April 11, 2008

A friend of mine stopped by today with a gift. I didn't open it right away and now I know why, when I finally did, I just sat on my bed and sobbed. It was a sweet letter written by her along with a teddy bear in memory of Brenham. The bear is 10.5 inches long just like him. So that whenever my arms ache to hold my baby I can snuggle with the teddy bear and remember what it was like to hold Brenham. How sweet is that?!?Lately I have been thinking that this whole experience has made me so much more mature, but then other times I think the opposite. I sleep with Brenham's hospital blanket (yeah I took it home with me, sorry to all the nurses reading this, I hope you understand) every night, even while I was in the hospital. And now I find myself carrying this teddy bear around with me all throughout the house, wherever I go. I will probably sleep with it too. Thanks Lynnae for all you have done for me. You've been more than a friend to me, a true blessing in my life, and may that blessing return to you a hundred fold!

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2 Responses to “ My new fuzzy friend ”

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the blanket...I've got your back!

Anonymous said...

Your writing is so beautiful katie. i had a Stillbirth almost 15 years ago. and I still keep her quilt near my bed. I just feel like a part of her is near me.