sometimes He says ‘NO’; sometimes He say’s ‘SLOW’

Monday, June 13, 2011

thank you all once again for your prayers, they are appreciated so much. I’m sorry to have left you hanging so long, it was not intentional. The truth is I've had a hard time finding the words to say. It’s hard because this is Sadler’s story and I can’t nor want to give out all the details. (thanks for your support and understanding)

We are still very hopeful that God will bless us with Sadler as our forever son in HIS timing, but that time just hasn’t come yet.

We had a guest pastor in our church a few weeks ago and he talked about how God sometimes answers our prayers with a “no” and sometimes he say’s “slow'”. This is one of those times he’s saying ‘slow’. We continue to wait and go through the hills and valleys of this roller coaster ride we call ‘adoption’! Trying to be patient and wait for His timing.

We covet your continued prayers for our family and Sadler’s birth family.

All glory to Him


The things that I seek are from You
Like the strong healing touch of your hand
But when You say no help me trust even though
There’s a reason I can’t understand

When that miracle comes cause Your answer is yes
I will praise you for all of my days
But when Your wisdom declares that a no is best
I will praise You just the same

You have a much better purpose
And You have a far greater plan
And You have a bigger perspective
Cause You hold this world in your hands

waiting room~jonny diaz

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15 Responses to “ sometimes He says ‘NO’; sometimes He say’s ‘SLOW’ ”

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family, as well as Sadler's birth family. Hopefully you will soon be able to call Sadler your forever son!

Jacki said...

Continuing to pray for your family! Thank you for the update you could provide!

Kates said...

Is Sadler still getting to enjoy time with you, Rob and Grayden while you are waiting?

Love From WI,

Anonymous said...

Just said a little prayer for your family-- including Sadler's birth family.... and will continue to pray!

Haffner's World said...

Praying Praying Praying!!! Praying God's peace that passes all understanding will bring y'all comfort!!

Amy said...

Continuing to pray for your family in this difficult process!

Anonymous said...

Hoping and praying for you that this ultimately is just a SLOW answer, but that the answer will be yes and Sadler will be your forever son pretty soon!

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

yes, sadler has been in our care from the time he was minutes old. loving him more and more everyday!

Tammy said...

praying for you all and hoping that your slow gets some giddyup real soon in your forever family plans!!

Anonymous said...

Katie -
I am always so amazed at your positive attitude through everything. You are an inspiration. I pray Sadler is legally yours very very soon. You are an amazing mom and he would be so blessed to have you raise him.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you to be surrounded and lifted up with God's arms of love and grace. He will give you what you need for today. And, start all over again tomorrow. I know you know that--and you are trusting Him. Thanks for being such an encouragement to others. God's timing is BEST! Keep trusting.

K & J Sayers

Kimmy B. said...

Oh, sweet baby boy. :(
I am so relieved to read your comment stating that he is still with you guys. You are his family! Hopefully all of the legalities will be a distant memory soon!

Joy said...

Continuing to pray. You and Robb are such an inspiration bc thru everything you're always smiling. Hoping that everything falls into place soon and Sadler becomes your forever son soon.

Anonymous said...

Praying for God to make Sadler your forever son, soon! :)

DianeTaylor said...

I am adding my continued prayers for all of you and for Sader's story to lead him into your family for good.