insta friday

Friday, November 16, 2012

our week in phone pics


this little boy loves his prunes!


but he doesn’t love when I take them away {but very necessary, for the sake of his diapers!}


Grayden’s been picking up some of Sadler’s mischievous habits!


laundry day, I save the socks for last, I HATE matching socks


Tuesday I said goodbye to 6+ inches of my hair! I had been growing it for 3 years and it was time to go!


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Wednesday I took Gray to have a flu shot, my mom stayed home with Sadler while he napped.

he was so brave, not one tear!


after leaving the pediatrician’s office we had to quick swing by and pick up his pizza orders for the preschool fundraiser, then we met Sadler and my mom for lunch.

Grayden wanted a turn by Grandma’s house so we swapped boys for the afternoon.

Me and Sadler spent some quality time together watching ‘go-go” {cat in the hat}


Thursday I had MOPS, we made the cutest necklaces.


Sweet Peyton, getting so big!


Have a great weekend, friends!

PS, i wanted to thank you for your sweet comments about our home, most of you know I’m hesitant to post pictures of it due to disrespectful comments, but that was not the case, thank you!

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3 Responses to “ insta friday ”

Elma said...

Such cute kids!! Love your hair. I am thinkiing of getting mine all cut off. I want long hair but it just doesn't seem to grow:(
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this fantastic weather we are having!!!

Jessica G. said...

My MOPS is on Thursday too!

Heidi said...

Your boys are adorable! How old is your oldest? My oldest is 5 and I recently got him to start matching socks while I'm folding the other laundry... he thinks its a game, we spend a little quality time together and although I have to help him out a little with all my black socks he pretty much does all his and his little brothers by himself, WIN!

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