Mother’s Day 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

I had the best mother’s day!!

I was thinking of how this day has changed for me in the past few 2006 I had my first mothers day, I got a card from the dog! Same goes for 2007. 2008 was my first official Mothers Day, I was a mom only I didn’t have a little boy here with me to love on, none the less my husband and many others celebrated and gifted me. In 2009 I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Grayden, he was born 2 days later! Mother’s day 2010 was my year, it was my turn to get to celebrate along with all the other mothers! And yesterday, Mothers Day 2011, I had the best day ever, with my 2 sons sitting next to me in church and one in Heaven. I was spoiled all weekend long and reminded of how lucky I am to be a mom to my 3 boys! Thank you God for the gift of motherhood.




The precious gift my boys made me:


{beautiful bouquet of flowers that never die!}

*again pictures of Sadler have been minimized for adoption privacy reasons, they will be enlarged again in a few weeks after the court date*

PS. comments are now being moderated, any rude or degrading comments will not be published so don’t even bother. This is OUR story and OUR family, if you don’t like it or don’t agree with the way we and God chose to create our family then don’t read it. We happen to LOVE it and that is all that matters.

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39 Responses to “ Mother’s Day 2011 ”

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy Mother's Day! I one for one enjoy reading about your amazing family. Sorry people feel the need to be so mean.

Can't wait to see pictures of Sadler too.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I have been reading your blog for a long time. I don't comment often but I love reading it. I cannot believe you are still have trouble with people saying nasty things! That is so terrible. I am sorry you have to go through that!

Happy Mother's Day!

Leah said...

Beautiful pictures! Happy Mother's Day to you! :)

Marcie said...

I love reading your posts! Dont know why some people have to be so rude! If they dont like it, just dont read it!
Grayden is too cute!

Trish said...

happy mother's day. you have a sweet family and i enjoy reading about your journey! hugs trish

Jenna said...

Happy Mother's Day! God gave you an amazing story of how HE put your children into your arms... don't let anybody take that away from you! Enjoy these moments :)

Meg said...

What a special day - congrats!

Katie said...

Happy Mother's Day Katie.
I love your blog, and I am sorry that there are nasty people in the world.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since almost the beginning. I love seeing how your life is unfolding and all that God has in store for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Don't let the negative people get you down. Even though they can easily choose to not read and/or comment, maybe your story will plant in them little seeds of everything you seem to embody - positivity, hope, grace, kindness, faith, and love...

Congrats on your BEAUTIFUL family!

Annette said...

So So glad you had an amazing Mother's Day!! You and Rob deserve this precious family God has given you!! Enjoy it!!

Belle101781 said...

Happy Mother's Day and Congrats on the new baby!!!

Glad you didn't let anyone's rude comments ruin your beautiful day with your beautiful family. You and your husband are amazing people and parents. God Bless!!

Jackie said...

Happy Mothers DAY! (Late! ) I have followed you for quite a while now and have enjoyed watching your boys grow. Congrats on your new son! How stinkin' exciting!!!!!!!
I have 2 boys just over 2 yrs apart and it is so fun to watch them interact together! So many hilarious moments (you probably already have had a few but... wait until Sadler is walking around following big brother non stop! what a fun time!) God is GREAT! Keep posting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy late Mother's Day! So glad that you got to spend the day with your two, precious little boys!!

I agree with everyone else, don't let those rude comments upset you- I think comment moderation is the way to go because those types thrive on the attention. Just delete them and forget about it. You have a beautiful family- such a blessing!

TanaLee Davis said...

Oh Kate,
I am so sorry that someone would feel anything was wrong with you making a family the way you have. I'm sorry that someone(s) is saying hateful things.

I love the flowers that never wither...and don't need water. Just constant love from mama.

I'm glad that your day went well. You are a mother of three beautiful and blessed boys.


Morgan Paige said...

this is so sweet! happy late mothers day to you!! grayden is too cute! cant wait to see pictures of Sadler!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great mother's day! Your family is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now. I love when you have new posts and reading about your life with your little ones. I love the way that you have created your adorable family. You seem like the perfect Mom for these two boys (and of course, your third in Heaven) and they are very lucky to have you in their life. What you and your husband are doing for these boys is beyond amazing and the fact that anyone would have anything negative to say breaks my heart for you. I look forward to seeing the photos of Sadler (in due time, of course). I love the name, by the way! This world needs more women like you in it!!

CharityVL said...

I check on your blog through Lisa's and was so thrilled to read about your new addition! I pray God gives you the strength to ignore the clueless, classless people who have nothing better to do than leave mean comments on a beautiful family blog. Since I have family members that have adopted/been adopted, I think it is one of the most precious things that can happen to a family and also a picture of how God adopts us into His family. Keep on doing what you're doing. This momma is cheering for you!

aLLie said...

Oh girl, don't let anyone bring you down. I have loved following your story throughout the years since you conceived Brenham. Still praying for you and so happy with the way God has chosen to bless your family.

Can't wait to see pictures in the large size of Son #3 :)

Cristin said...

What a sweet and precious family you have! God is good!!!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

Glad you had a wonderful Momma's Day!!

Anonymous said...

Ive been reading your blog for a while now and just wanted to let you know that you are one of the most amazing women I've ever "met".
You have a beautiful family and you very much deserve to be celebrated on this special day!
Happy Mother's Day Katie!!

Rachel said...

Mean people suck. I hope it was the best mommy's day ever and enjoy your growing family!

Kirsten: said...

Grayden is so cute! I'm sure Sadler is too! Glad you had a Happy Mother's Day - you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I can not fathom why someone would say anything other than helpful, uplifting things to you. You are such a joy to read and I just adore your precious family! Don't let nasty people bother you. Jealousy is manifested in many ways. Congratulations on your new addition!

Danyiel said...

I don't understand why people read/follow a blog and then comment negatively. I love your little family! Do it your way and don't worry about anyone.

I am dying to see pictures!!!

Momma Bird said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Sorry you had to change your comments. I went a step further and ended up making it so annonymous posters could not post either because I got sick of reading the rude comments. Amazing what people will say.

Miss Raski said...

I LOVE your family and LOVE your story and am so blessed to see how God has chosen to create your story!! I think your blog brings glory to God in its entirety, and have sent your blog's link to my friends to bless them through your consistently trusting and faithfully God-loving story and attitude. PRAISE GOD FOR YOUR BLOG!! <3

Anonymous said...

Long-time reader from back in the days. I am so thrilled for you and your family, and love checking in to see how your family (and all those boys) are growing :-) Don't spend one second fretting about the mean comments, they couldn't be more wrong. Hugs to you!

the Klein's said...

Hey Kate!

Will pray lots of positive people will read your blog this week and send supportive comments and those that aren't will stay away!

love and hugs,

PS Leah says hi to "my friend Grayden!"

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine what someone could find negative to say about you and your family. I have never ever had a passing thought that wasn't positive or loving for you and your family. It is so frustrating to me that there are people in this world who just can't find the positive in anything and try to bring the rest of us down with them. What a sad life they must live!

I am so happy for you and your family! Happy belated Mother's Day!

Sara said...

I read your blog but never comment. I am sorry someone would be so rude as to make negative comments about your family. Thank you for continuing to share and best wishes to all of you

momma betchan said...

Howdy! I've followed y'all for a while - since y'all decided to adopt Grayden - I am truly happy for you and can't wait to see pictures of Sadler!
All the best at the court date and pooh on those who have an inappropriate ax to grind. Revel in the gifts God has seen fit to bless you with Girl!

Maggie said...

I can't believe you're getting nasty comments. How childish. You have a beautiful family and I dress my son up more than just onsies/sleepers because Grayden always looks so handsome.

Anonymous said...

Katie, Happy Mother's Day to you! I am so glad to hear you had a wonderful day! I am sorry you had to read rude comments from ignorant readers.

My two children are biracial and so is my husband. I am always amazed by random people who will approach me while we are out (shopping, at the zoo, museum, etc) and make comments about them and why they don't look like me. So rude. Like it is any of their business.

God bless you and your family, each and every one of you! You are wonderful and so is the love you are giving to Grayden and Sadler (and Brenham). Don't ever let anyone upset you over it.

Take care,


Tiffany said...

Hi, I am a creeper lol... I love to look at your blog and just wanted to tell you that I am so amazed by how you have let losing your son make you a better and stronger person. That has got to be the hardest thing to go thru, I can't even imagine it. My cousin lost her baby and I watched as she let it make her a very bitter person.. so reading your blog has been such an encouragement. It really is a testimony of your life. Keep your faith strong and God will guide you through anything and may He shower you and your family with blessings!

Anonymous said...

I have read your blog basically from the beginning but I have never left a comment. I am angry that people would write nasty comments. Your family is perfect. You and your husband have been amazing opening your hearts to welcome your two precious boys after the heartbreaking loss of beautiful baby Brenham. Don't let the narrow minded people upset you. You have so much to look forward to with your wee family and may you always keep your faith. God bless you all

Anonymous said...

Ignore rude people. Your family is awesome and your story is incredible......I have a bio son, bio daughter in heaven, adopted daughter then surprise bio daugghter again. Incredible stories rock. Can't wait to see pics again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Katie said...

Dear Katie,
Forget any negativity! Your story is inspirational and your boys are so blessed to have an older brother looking over them from heaven.

Congrats on your new addition and Happy Mother's Day!!!